The Digital Forestry Toolbox (DFT) is collection of functions and tutorials for Matlab/Octave designed to help analyze remote sensing data related to forests.


  1. Download and uncompress the Zip or Tar archive
  2. If you want to use the example LAZ files included in the data folder or the external links, you must first uncompress them with LASzip
  3. Start Matlab/Octave
  4. Add the DFT folders to the Matlab/Octave search path using addpath(genpath('path to DFT main folder'))
  5. Open any of the functions in Matlab/Octave and check the header for syntax and example usage
  6. Check the tutorials

Getting started

Reading a LAS file

Use LASread() to import the contents of a LAS (1.0-1.4) file into a structure:

pc = LASread('myfile.las');

You can then access any of the standard LAS format blocks, e.g.:

  1. pc.header
  2. pc.variable_length_records
  3. pc.record
  4. pc.extended_variable_length_records

Displaying a 3D point cloud

To display all classes except noise points (class 7), we start by creating a logical indexing variable:

idxl_noise = ismember(pc.record.classification, 7);

We then use scatter3() to plot non-noise points colored by return intensity:

scatter3(pc.record.x(~idxl_noise), ...
    pc.record.y(~idxl_noise), ...
    pc.record.z(~idxl_noise), ...
    6, ...
    pc.record.intensity(~idxl_noise), ...
    'Marker', '.');
axis equal tight
title('Return intensity')




The Digital Forestry Toolbox was developed by Matthew Parkan (GIS Research Laboratory, EPFL) with support from the Swiss Forest and Wood Research Fund (project 2013.18).

If you use this code in your work, please consider including the following citation:

Matthew Parkan. (2018). Digital Forestry Toolbox for Matlab/Octave. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1213013. Available:


Function and data list


The following symbols indicate GNU Octave support:

= Fully compatible

= Partially compatible

= Not compatible


Function GNU Octave support Description
LASread() Read 3D point cloud from ASPRS LAS (1.0-1.4) file (.las)
LASwrite() Write 3D point cloud to ASPRS LAS (1.0-1.4) file (.las)
HDRread() Read ENVI header file (.hdr)
SBETread() Read Applanix SBET trajectory file (.sbet)
TRJread() Read Terrascan TRJ trajectory file (.trj)
ASCread() Read ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII grid file (.asc)
ASCwrite() Write ESRI ARC/INFO ASCII grid file (.asc)


Function GNU Octave support Description
LASclip() Clip 3D point cloud (LAS file) with a polygon
LASextent() Extract spatial extent of 3D point clouds (LAS files) and write result to ESRI shapefile (.shp)
LASmerge() Merge 3D point clouds (LAS files)


Function GNU Octave support Description
elevationModels() Compute elevation models (i.e. terrain, surface, height) from a 3D classified point cloud
rasterize() Convert a 3D point cloud to a 2D raster

Laser metrics

Function GNU Octave support Description
laserEchoRatio() Computes the echo ratio of a 3D point cloud
laserIntensityCorrection() Corrects return intensity for the sensor to target range
laserPulses() Determines the pulse number associated with the individual returns (sorted by acquisition GPS time)
laserTimeFormat() Convert GPS week time to GPS satellite time, GPS adjusted time or UTC time

Tree metrics

Function GNU Octave support Description
treeStems() Detect individual tree stems in a 3D point cloud
treeWatershed() Extract individual tree crowns from a raster Canopy Height Model (CHM) using the (optionally marker-controlled) watershed segmentation described in Kwak et al. (2007)
treeMetrics() Computes various segment metrics based on geometry, intensity, pulse return and color characteristics

Canopy metrics

Function GNU Octave support Description
canopyCover() Computes a canopy crown cover map using either a convolution window or the Delaunay triangulation method described in Eysn et al. (2012)
canopyPeaks() Find local maxima (peaks) coordinates in a raster Canopy Height Model (CHM)


Function GNU Octave support Description
alt2height() Converts 3D point cloud altitude to height above terrain
topoColor() Topological coloring (cf. Welsh and Powell, 1967) of 2D or 3D labelled points (i.e. assign distinct colors to adjacent clusters)
crossSection() Extract a 2D cross-section from a 3D point cloud
geomedian() Compute the geometric median of a an array of 3D points
gps2utc() Convert GPS satellite time (i.e. number of seconds since 1980-1-6) to UTC time
subsample() Subsample a point cloud


Airborne Laser Scanning - 3D point clouds

File Land cover Location Sensor Date
zh_2014_a.laz (external link) Mixed forest Zürich, Switzerland (47.58384 N, 8.76594 E, ~380 m ASL), see map Trimble AX60 March 10-13, 2014
zh_2014_b.laz (external link) Urban, mixed forest Zürich, Switzerland (47.37460 N, 8.56824 E, ~550 m ASL), see map Trimble AX60 April 2, 2014
so_2014_a.laz (external link) Woodland Pasture Solothurn, Switzerland (47.25952 N, 7.46979 E, ~830 m ASL), see map Trimble AX60 April 7, 2014
ge_2017_a.laz (external link) Mixed forest Geneva, Switzerland (46.29240 N, 6.13380 E, ~430 m ASL), see map Riegl LMS-Q1560 February 19-20, 2017

Airborne Laser Scanning - Rasters

File Land cover Location Sensor Date
so_2014_woodland_pasture.tif Woodland Pasture Solothurn, Switzerland (47.25952 N, 7.46979 E, ~830 m ASL), see map Trimble AX60 April 7, 2014

National Forest Inventories

File Description
swiss_nfi_flora.xlsx Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI), tree species Latin/vernacular (English, French, German, Italian) names and codes